Board with sticky notes on it and a person writing on one with a sharpie


Diagram depicting the process of the Epic Youth Center's involvement in a youth's life


Explanation of our approach to rural youth pictured above

First Encounter

  • How does an isolated youth get reached? It is done through ‘Invitation.’ Older methodologies of invitation to a meeting or a Sunday school have rare success anymore. Invitation to a fun ‘Activity’ is far less threatening. Activities that are fun and welcoming provide opportunities for ‘Building Trust in Relationships’ between the youth and volunteers. Welcoming activities are posted online, in schools, and in the community. All youth are welcome.
  • For example: during the activities, short periods of time are set aside for sharing life concerns youth experience. In example – during a Saturday afternoon soccer camp – a half time talk by volunteers may discuss how most youth feel lonely and suggest some methods for helping them engage more within their community. In another example - during a Minute to Win It fun after school event – taking time out to discuss one of the 7 character values like ‘Courage’ and how it can impact their current and future life. For the first time, a youth might be ‘Exposed to Truth’ that they have never heard.
For a list of different activities that may offered, click on this link


  • As ongoing involvement with EPIC Youth Center progresses, trust relationships grow and youth begin to feel a sense of ‘Belonging.’ To deepen that sense, opportunities for becoming part of a smaller community are offered. Life growth happens with small groups led by caring volunteers that help them realize that their ‘Life Choices have to be measured and mirrored by Truth.’ In example, learning about ‘Integrity’ and how that will impact their future, can be life changing. While in their groups, they slowly increase in ‘Belonging, being ‘Needed’ by the group, and start to develop ‘trust.’
  • For example – Through encourage and invitation to be part of an EPIC, Church or Young Life small group, they begin to have a sense of belonging to a small community, begin to open up about their lives, and find hope.

Affirmation and Release

  • Research shows that successful ‘Life Purpose’ is developed through ‘Service and Purpose Activities.’ As youth become more involved, they are invited to Leadership Groups, and Community Improvement Groups. Here they get to share in service projects together and make a difference in their community. Strong self-image develops as they together successfully impact their community. This gives them hope for their future and a Positive Life Purposeover negative opportunities that may exist in their social world.
  • For example – youth are asked to join with others in a Community Improvement Group. That group selects their goal of making a City Park more youth friendly. Together they develop a plan for enhancing the Park, research out the necessary resources and implement the change together.

Identity Development

  • Throughout their involvement with Epic Youth Center, youth will develop more of a sense of Identity over time. They often enter ‘confused and insecure’. As time progresses, they get to Discover their own Personal Story. Their own story often is unclear and visualized through their pain and isolation. They get the chance to compare how they see their life story with what it really was and how it relates to truth. In challenging their view and holding it against truth and life potential, they begin to understand how their view of their Personal Story can be changed. As they work through their past, they can begin Re-telling their Personal Story in a positive way.
  • Thus, when their past is exposed to Truth, their Life Choices and events are then mirrored and measured by Truth. When Convergence of Truth, Life and Faith merge – they have a solid basis for positively working through past issues and becoming healthy.
  • For example – An individual youth begins to share their life story. It is filled with pain, isolation, lack of love or similar experiences. They may view the world angry because of these memories and experiences. Often the memories are confused, incomplete and mis-understood. As they enter into community and build trust, they Discover what their Personal Story really is. As they grow, they then understand it deeper and are able to Re-Tell their Personal Story in a positive and helpful way.

Personal Experience

  • A youth’s personal experience throughout the EPIC journey, grows deeper as connection time increases. Their initial feelings of ‘anger’ and ‘hopelessness’ that are coming from their isolation, and being ‘fragmented’ from society are recognized. Over the time being connected with small groups, their sense of ‘belonging’ and ‘being needed’ grows. Eventually this develops ‘Growing Confidence’, eventually producing ‘Stronger Self Image, Hope and Positive Life Purpose.’

Key Concepts Governing The EPIC Adventure

  • EPIC is not competitive with local youth groups. Rather they encourage youth they serve to ‘belong’ to such positive environments when they feel ready.
  • EPIC does not desire to be The Community Youth Group. Rather they desire to Act as a Catalyst for the local churches and community who may not have the resources to implement such a program.
  • The concept of being a Community Catalyst is an important value that drives EPIC supporters. By being able to offer facilities, activities, and programs that smaller organizations cannot provide due to their limited resources, EPIC provides an opportunity to catalyze the community for the care and love of rural youth.
  • Every activity authorized on or at the EPIC Youth Center will have some type of ministry application that provides and applies our key 7 Values and Ministry Strategy. This can be unique to each user to how they implement the values and strategy.